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· 4 min read


The core of the integration revolves around three proxies:

  • svelteQuery: Provides typical svelte-query hooks, e.g. createQuery, createMutation, etc.

  • createQueries: Generates query options for any query procedures invoked; provided to the trpc.createQueries callback function. The resulting readonly array of options is passed to svelte-query's createQueries.

  • context: Provides helper functions with greater control over the query client. Generally intended to be used within components with setContext and getContext. Can be used directly if a query client is provided to svelteQueryContext during creation, i.e. in SvelteKit load functions.

Folder Structure

  • All proxies are located in the src/proxies folder.
  • Each proxy has three files:
    • index: Exports everything from the types and implementation files.
    • types: Describes the perceived shape of the proxy.
    • implementation: Implements the proxy, usually with a combination of createFlatProxy and createRecursiveProxy from @trpc/server/shared.


Most of the implementation was inspired by the official tRPC + react-query integration. You can read the blog posts here to get a better idea of how proxies and their typing works.

The main difference is the approach to handling root properties. Based on this line here, it seems that a new recursive proxy is created everytime a nested property access is made to a non-designated root property (those being useContext, Provider, etc.).

This is because the inner recursive proxy "missed" the initial key, so it's invoked with the initial key and the previously generated hooks. But since it's a proxy, I thought you could just "access" it at the initial key to "re-insert" it. By doing this, I'm able to extract the creation of the inner recursive outside of the initial flat proxy, and only re-calculate the inner recursive proxy once, instead of on every access.



Extends functionality of existing libraries


Creates a query that will react to changes in the options if provided as a writable Svelte store. Note that the options must be provided as a writable store. For ease of use with tRPC, the createQuery hook in the proxy only requires the procedure input to be provided as a writable store.

Internally, a new options writable store is created and linked to the input store. The options store will automatically update itself when the input changes.

e.g. looks something like this

import { writable, get } from 'svelte/store'
import { getQueryKey } from '../../helpers/getQueryKey'

const client = TRPCUntypedClient(...)

// user provides a store as first input to the query
const input = writable('Mobius')

// user can provide more options as a regular object
const otherOptions = { keepPreviousData: true, trpc: { ... }, ... }

// create a custom options writable store
// based on the other options and current value of input
const optionsStore = writable({
queryKey: getQueryKey(path, get(input), 'query'),
queryFn: client.query(path, get(input), ...otherOptions.trpc),
}, (set) => {
const unsubscribe = input.subscribe((newInput) => {
queryKey: getQueryKey(path, get(newInput), 'query'),
queryFn: client.query(path, get(newInput), ...otherOptions.trpc),
return () => {

return createReactiveQuery(optionsStore)

  1. the user provides a writable store and optionally some svelte-query options (regular object).
  2. A new optionsStore is created with the default protocol for creating a queryKey and queryFn.
  3. The second argument to writable is used to subscribe to the input store.
    • Whenever input changes to a new value, set the optionsStore accordingly
    • i.e. keep all of the original otherOptions the same and recalculate the queryKey and queryFn for the new input
  4. Ensure the optionsStore unsubscribes from its subscription once it's done.

Hopefully this function can be deprecated in my library soon, since this is pending release on @tanstack/svelte-query@alpha. Or it could be kept around for legacy reasons.


Helper functions for proxies


Function that invokes a hidden _def() method on the tRPC + svelte-query proxy to get the path array and call getQueryKeyInternal to get the query key used for that procedure/router.


Function that accepts a path array, input, and a query type to generate a query key. Typically used inside proxies to assign a query key to a request. i.e. tRPC requests are effectively cached and identified by these keys.